The Importance of Visiting a Podiatrist for Healthy Feet


Feet serve as a primary mode of transportation, supporting everyone through daily activities. Like any other body part, they require proper care and attention. Podiatrists, healthcare professionals specialising in foot and lower limb conditions, play a crucial role in diagnosing, treating, and preventing foot-related issues. This blog post explores the importance of visiting a podiatrist for maintaining healthy feet. Early Detection and Prevention of Foot Disorders Visiting a podiatrist is vital for the early detection and prevention of foot disorders such as heel pain, arch pain, bunions, corns, and calluses, to name a few.

30 October 2023

Why Podiatry Is Essential For Diabetic Patients


Diabetes is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. One of the most important aspects of diabetes care is foot health. Foot problems can be serious for people with diabetes, as they may not feel pain or other symptoms due to nerve damage. That's where podiatry comes in — it's a branch of medicine that focuses on diagnosing and treating foot and ankle problems. If you have diabetes but haven't been to a podiatry clinic in the recent past, then here are a few reasons why you should take this service a little more seriously than you currently do.

13 March 2023

Are You Sure That You're Ready To Take Up Tennis?


If you love to watch the tennis stars at Wimbledon and other famous venues, you may have been inspired to take up the sport yourself. You love to get out in the fresh air to interact with others and understand that this sport can be particularly exhilarating and good for your health. Yet, you will need to watch out for the risk of injuries, especially with such a dynamic sport as this.

7 July 2022

The Procedure That Can Help Get You Back On Your Feet Again


A person's feet can be an unfortunate source of pain and discomfort and for many, and this can last for years before they seek treatment. There are too many conditions and problems to count that can be related to your legs and feet because this is the area of the body that is under the most stress through normal movements, like walking. However, there is treatment out there for you, even if you have tried different exercises and routines before.

29 November 2021

How Sports Podiatry Can Treat Achilles Tendinitis In Rugby Players


It goes without saying that playing rugby can be tough on the body, and the feet and lower legs are particularly vulnerable to injuries incurred while playing this rough-and-tumble sport. A condition known as Achilles tendinitis is particularly common in both amateur and professional rugby players and can be both painful and debilitating if the condition isn't properly treated. What Is Achilles Tendinitis? The Achilles tendon is one of the most important structures in the foot.

2 June 2021

Understanding Iliotibial Band Syndrome


The iliotibial band is a ligament that runs from the pelvis down the outside of the thigh to the knee and its purpose is to stabilise the knee joint. When this band experiences strain from too much pressure or overuse, iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) can develop. This is an inflammatory condition that tends to affect runners and those who regularly take part in high-impact sports or exercise, and it causes pain that radiates from the outer knee.

7 January 2021

What Should You Do If You Have Plantar Warts?


Despite the resilience of your feet, they are susceptible to an array of physical defects, conditions and viruses. And one of the more common issues that people face yet are unaware that they are dealing with it in the first place is the growth of plantar warts. Characterised by their fleshy appearance, these lesions typically form at the base of one's toes and their heels. As they get worse, they can cause you to experience tenderness each time you place your weight on your foot, whether you are standing or walking around.

27 October 2020